Clear Eyes, Clear Spring: The Importance of Eye Care During Allergy Season

As spring blossoms, it brings not only a burst of color but also a wave of allergies. For many, the beauty of the season is marred by itchy, watery eyes, making eye care a crucial aspect of spring wellness. Spring allergies, often triggered by pollen, can wreak havoc causing itchy eyes, redness, and excessive tearing which can significantly impact daily life. Wearing sunglasses can act as a barrier, preventing pollen from directly entering your eyes. Additionally, regular cleansing of your face and hands can minimize the transfer of allergens to your eyes. Artificial tears can provide relief by lubricating the eyes and flushing out irritants. Over-the-counter antihistamine eye drops can also alleviate symptoms, but consulting with an eye care professional is advisable for personalized recommendations as multiple over-the-counter eye drops have recently been recalled. Ignoring allergy symptoms may lead to complications such as conjunctivitis or worsening of pre-existing eye conditions. Seeking professional advice ensures proper management and prevents long-term damage. 

Call For Your Eyes Only today to talk about options for preventative and reactive care at 678-648-5185.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


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